Oil & Gas - Wireline Logging Essential Training

Oil & Gas - Wireline Logging Essential Training

Hello, I am Ricardo Calleja, and I want to welcome you to the course: Wireline Logging, Essential Training.

This course covers foundational aspects of wireline logging: the resources needed, factors affecting the quality of logs, standards, and general practices in the oil and gas industry. This initial training is divided in the following 7 chapters:

Chapter 1 - The Reservoir and the logging environment
Chapter 2 - Spontaneous Potential or SP
Chapter 3 - Resistivity tools
Chapter 4 - Gamma rays
Chapter 5 - Neutron Porosity
Chapter 6 - Density Porosity and finally.
Chapter 7 - Acoustic Porosity

Be aware that this course is not about the technology of a specific service company. Instead, we will review what the industry leaders have to offer, providing a comprehensive understanding of wireline logging practices. Lets begin!

Oil & Gas - Wireline Logging Essential Training
  • Chapter 1 - The Reservoir and the Logging Environment

    In this chapter, you will learn to identify key formation properties and recognize different rock types. Next, we'll get into understanding the significance and types of porosity and permeability. Finally, we will assess fluid saturations and understand the effects of borehole conditions and filt...

  • Chapter 1 - with script

  • Chapter 2 - Spontaneous Potential

    After completing this section you will understand the origin of spontaneous potentials, identify SP key applications, determine possible sources of error on SP readings and to describe the baseline responses in shale.
    Finally, we will classify invasion profiles using SP logs, so let's begin!

  • Chapter 2 - with script

  • Chapter 3 - Resistivity Tools

    In this chapter, you will learn what resistivity tools are really measuring. Also we will start by distinguishing between Induction Tools, Laterologs, and Micro Resistivity Tools. Additionally key concepts like depth of investigation and vertical resolution will be explained. Finally we will see ...

  • Chapter 3 - with script

  • Chapter 4 - Gamma Rays

    Natural Gamma Ray Tools
    Applications of Natural Gamma Ray Tools
    Logging Conditions
    Physics of the Measurement
    Radioactive Decay Processes
    Scintillation Detectors
    Gamma Ray Units
    Calibration Process
    Factors Influencing Count Rates
    Shop, Field, and Post Calibration

  • Chapter 4 - with script

  • Chapter 5 - Neutron Porosity Tools

    Logging Conditions
    Physics of the Measurement
    Neutron Source
    Energy levels
    The Slowing of Neutrons
    The Borehole Problem

  • Chapter 5 - with script

  • Chapter 6 - Density Porosity

    In this chapter, we will explore the density porosity tool's functionality, applications, logging conditions and the physics behind its measurements. We will understand what bulk density is and how it is related with porosity, finally we will also learn about the photoelectric factor (Pe) and its...

  • Chapter 6 - with script

  • Chapter 7 - Acoustic Porosity

    The primary objective of logging an acoustic porosity tool is to determine formation porosity. Unlike porosity estimates from neutron and density tools, which reflect the total porosity, acoustic porosity tools indicate effective porosity. We will also cover anisotropy and the role of acoustic po...

  • Chapter 7 - with script

  • Chapter 1 Manual

    1.77 MB

    Fundamental Formation Properties
    Fluid Saturations
    The Borehole Influence
    Filtrate Invasion
    What Makes a Rock a Reservoir?
    Controls on Porosity
    Original Porosity
    Early Diagenetic Changes
    Burial Diagenetic Changes
    Controls on Permeability
    Rock Propertie...

  • Chapter 2 Manual

    1.26 MB

    Logging Conditions
    Origin of Spontaneous Potentials
    Electrochemical Processes
    Membrane Potential
    Liquid Junction Potential
    Electrokinetic Processes
    Physics of the Measurement
    Baseline Responses in Shale
    SP Response to Rmf/Rw Contrasts
    Resistivity shale baseline method

  • Chapter 3 Manual

    3.93 MB

    Logging Conditions
    Physics of the Measurement
    Mutual Signal
    X-Signal in High Resistivity Formations
    X-Signal in Low Resistivity Formations
    Summary of the Receiver Signal
    Resolution of the Measurement
    Formation Water Resistivity
    Pore Tortuosity

  • Chapter 4 Manual

    3.83 MB

    Logging Conditions
    Physics of the Measurement
    Radioactive Decay
    Potassium-40 Decay
    Uranium-238 Decay
    Thorium-232 Decay
    Scintillation Detectors
    Photo-Multiplier Tube (PMT)
    Standardization of Units
    Factors Influencing Count Rates
    Calibration Standards
    Shop, field and post Ca...

  • Chapter 5 Manual

    5.47 MB

    Logging Conditions
    Physics of the Measurement
    Neutron Source
    The Slowing of Neutrons
    The Capture of Thermal Neutrons
    Thermal Neutron Detectors
    Count Rate Dependencies
    Slowing Down Cross Section of the Environment
    Capture Cross Section of the Environment
    The Borehole Problem...

  • Chapter 6 Manual

    3.53 MB

    Logging Conditions
    Physics of the Measurement
    Gamma Ray Source
    Energy Loss in Gamma Rays
    Compton Scattering
    Photoelectric Absorption
    Scintillation Detection
    Bulk Density Computation
    Density Correction for Stand-Off (CORP)
    Density Correction for Mudcake Lithology

  • Chapter 7 Manual

    9.86 MB

    Logging Conditions
    Physics of the Measurement
    Generating and Recording Acoustic Energy
    Detected Acoustic Waveforms
    Acoustic Wave Types
    Direct Waves
    Tool Mode Waves
    Mud Waves
    Body Waves
    Compressional Waves (P-waves)
    Shear Waves (S-waves)
    Shear Waves in Slow Formations